Stand your ground

Never be with somebody who doesn’t let you be you. Who constantly wants to make you change to be like him. Who doesn’t appreciate the essence of who you are. He will not change you just like you will not be able to change them. It’s ok to be different but not to the point where you feel like you aren’t being respected. Like your values are being violated. Like you SHOULD change. Like you have pressure. You shouldn’t. Because you are free. Be with someone who is found of the essence of who you are, of your character and of your stand on life. Who really respects you. Who wants to spend QUALITY time with you and not just make you who they want you to be. Unless you want to improve yourself, they shouldn’t make the decision for you and improve you themselves and according to their criteria. What criteria? Who allowed you to? Who said your judgement was ever the right one? Don’t be fooled by their twisted logic. They don’t even know half of you.

For otherwise you will constantly be living on a lie, on a utopian world where you accept this person’s word for your own and you lose the very reason for your being. Then you are lost. Don’t lose yourself, instead find the right people for you and stay away from the ones who don’t bring you anything, or worse bring you down or try to change you without your consent.

For these people, just let them go, no regrets and no look backs. They are better where they are, behind you.

39 thoughts on “Stand your ground

  1. Oh, hell yes! My late wife loved me for who I was. I may very well have said farewell to a person I regarded as my best friend, of late, as she lowered the boom on me last night, wanting me to change my ways, in a certain area of life.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Wonderful post! I thought about writing something like this on the “toxic” people in your life and the ” invested interest” we put into them. This writing does a lot to clarify and support the idea…..that some hearts and people just are not worth sacrificing your soul and dreams for.
    Well done and keep up the good work and words!
    Be true to yourself and God ….and He will be true to you.
    Be Blessed! Andrea💞🙏🙌

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  3. Never be with somebody who doesn’t let you be you…these people, just let them go, no regrets and no look backs. They are better where they are, behind you.

    Awareness is the key to all this.

    Liked by 1 person

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